
Installing greedy is straightforward using both pip and conda.

Greedy is a small extension of GeoPandas. That can be a bit complicated to install in some cases. For details on installing GeoPandas, please refer to GeoPandas installation instructions.

Install via Conda

As greedy is dependent on geopandas and other spatial packages, we recommend to install all dependencies via conda from conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge greedy

Conda should be able to resolve any dependency conflicts and install greedy together with all necessary dependencies.

If you do not have conda-forge in your conda channels, you can add it using:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

To ensure that all dependencies will be installed from conda-forge, we recommend using strict channel priority:

conda config --env --set channel_priority strict


We strongly recommend to install everything from the conda-forge channel. Mixture of conda channels or conda and pip packages can lead to import problems.

Creating a new environment for greedy

If you want to make sure, that everything will work as it should, you can create a new conda environment for greedy. Assuming we want to create a new environment called greedy_env:

conda create -n greedy_env
conda activate greedy_env
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
conda install greedy

Install via pip

greedy is also available on PyPI, but ensure that all dependencies are properly installed before installing greedy. Some C dependencies are causing problems with installing using pip only:

pip install greedy

Install from the repository

If you want to work with the latest development version of greedy, you can do so by cloning GitHub repository and installing greedy from local directory:

git clone
cd greedy
pip install .

Alternatively, you can install the latest version directly from GitHub:

pip install git+git://

Installing directly from repository might face the same dependency issues as described above regarding installing using pip. To ensure that environment is properly prepared and every dependency will work as intended, you can install them using conda before installing development version of greedy:

conda install -c conda-forge geopandas networkx libpysal


Required dependencies: